SAQA ID: 118740 – NQF 5
Curriculum Code: 334101-000-00-00
Entry Level Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification
Purpose and Rationale of the Qualification:
The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as an Office Supervisor. Office Supervisors plan, organise, lead and control office functions in a business environment.
A qualified learner will be able to:
This qualification provides a learner with the competencies required to operate as an Office Supervisor in various businesses. It specifically develops supervisory competencies at the junior manager’s level. It builds on the foundation laid at the office administration level which focuses on competencies for personnel clerks, filing clerks and data capturers. The qualification introduces the ability to apply key terms, rules, concepts, principles and practices of management that will enable learners to be informed office.
The scope of supervision covers four domains: plan, organise and coordinate, control, and lead in a business environment. This qualification addresses each of these domains with competencies specific to planning support of office functions, organise and coordinate work activities, coaching and mentoring of others, handling conflicts, and performing office controls. It provides learners with the knowledge and practical skills that enable functioning as an office supervisor.
Various businesses have different offices with data capturing, personnel assistance and filing as core functions. The supervision of these roles is normally performed by an office supervisor and this qualification enables businesses to be able to employ individuals with competencies that match this supervising role. Businesses across economic sectors will benefit from a pool of office supervisors with competencies already fitting the needs of the roles.
Previously, office supervisors would acquire competencies through various qualifications, mainly the Further Education
and Training Certificate: Administration Management, Business Administration services and Further Education and
On achieving this qualification, the learner will be able to:
The proposed duration for this qualification as per SAQA’s notional hour requirements is 2400 hours. This is approximately
2 Years.
Are there part time qualifications available:
There are no part qualifications
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