Emotional Intelligence for Managers & Decision Makers

generic management course

Intensive 2 Day Programme

Emotional Intelligence for Managers

To be a great leader, you need to motivate, manage, lead and inspire your
team and having a developed EQ is an essential component to achieving
these goals.

Key learning areas covered include:

  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and its relationship to managing and motivating people.
  • Discovering the 6 EQ cornerstones and assessing your current level of emotional competence.
  • Assessing the positive impact of EQ on conflict management, communication, team performance and generation / culture gap management.
  • See how teams managed with a high level of EQ are outperforming others at delivering great customer service.
  • Practical ways to use EQ to motivate and drive a team or an organisation’s performance.
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The intensive 2 day programme will cover:

  • Understanding the nature of emotional intelligence
  • Describe the relationship between cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence
  • Realise that in order to be successful in business, IQ is not enough
  • Define the concept of emotional competence
  • Learn how to identify the needs, wants and expectations of others
  • Assess your own EQ using a six concept model:
    Self confidence
    Self control
    Social competency


  • Become aware of the barriers to communication and resolving conflict
  • Know what to do to improve your ability to communicate and to “read” people
  • Explain the importance of empathy in EQ
  • Discover that EQ affects your life and your working career
  • Understanding the vital role of EQ in leadership
  • Highlight the differences between managing with and without EQ
  • Realising how controlling emotions assists with decision making
  • Define the concepts of self confidence, assertiveness and their relationship to EQ
  • Using EQ to increase the effectiveness of your negotiations, collaborations and relationships
  • Providing honest, constructive and candid feedback fearlessly
  • Encouraging accountability amongst your staff
  • Channelling emotional energy constructively not destructively
  • Discover the traits of high EQ organisations
  • Explore ways of creating an emotional intelligent organisation
  • Using EQ advertising to attract and recruit the right people
  • Simple EQ tests to use when interviewing potential staff
  • Use EQ to encourage team Collaboration and Motivation
  • Define conflict and conflict resolution in an environment where EQ is the norm
  • Learn conflict solving options and guidelines for when to use them
  • Manage different generations and their expectations
  • Recognise best practices and useful EQ tools in providing superior customer service
  • Understand that customer service is an emotional and rational concept
  • Ensure that your staff understand the value of courtesy and respect throughout customer contact
  • Keeping responsibility and ownership of the customer’s problem
  • Recognise the warning sings of potentially damaged relationships
  • Understand the importance of being solution orientated