Managing Performance to Build High Performing Teams

Managing Performance to Build High Performing Teams

Managing performance is not a static process. It should not occur annually at performance review time. It should ,in fact ,be an ongoing process, where staff are encouraged, measured against target and continually coached to perform. While this sounds like an arduous process, it is actually a fairly integrated and  fluid process. this practical 2 day training course touches on the high points of performance management, showing delegates how to actively participate in the improved performance of their staff.

Inspirational Management and Leadership Dealing with difficult people Course

This intensive 2 day course will guide managers on how to:

  • Understand the importance on ongoing performance management
  • Discover the various performance management techniques available and finding the right one for your organisation and your staff
  • Assess various leadership theories and how these feed into performance management processes
  • Understand how coaching and mentoring can be used effectively to boos performance
  • Manage performance effectively while staying firmly within the bounds of company policies and the labour law

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