
generic management course

National Certificate:

Public Administration Qualification Details:

Qualification ID: 50060 – NQF Level 5

Credits: 141

Modules: 4


The public officials in South Africa operate in a wide variety of roles within the public administration and management structures. Often they work in diverse operating and service delivery circumstances. Therefore, they have to be widely acknowledged for their understanding and awareness of the unique characteristics and challenges they may face in the process of service delivery.

The sustainability of South Africa’s democratic process and developmental governance are strongly linked to capacity building within the three spheres of government, i.e. the national, provincial and local spheres of government. It is imperative that public officials receive an up to date relevant and respected public administration and management qualification that recognises that the knowledge and skills which South Africa’s public sector requires has been satisfactorily obtained. In order to do that most effectively, public officials need to have excellent awareness and understanding of the changing needs of today’s public service delivery systems and to identify very clearly the highly relevant expertise which these officials bring to their roles in the public sector.

The Exit Level Outcomes highlight many of the public administration skills required within public sector. Such skills and knowledge are geared towards enabling public officials in all spheres of government to operate effectively and successfully in a demanding environment. Therefore, exit level outcomes and related assessment criteria are outlined for the areas of competence, which mark out public administration as key and highly influential in the public service delivery.

Further Public Administration Business Administration Services


  • Financial Services
  • Administration
  • Management
  • Accounting
  • Project/Public Entity Management
  • Manage service delivery improvement and employ client service delivery techniques
  • Manage and lead human resources in the workplace
  • Apply the principles of knowledge management to public sector administration
  • Plan strategically to improve business performance
  • Apply South African legislation and policy affecting public administration
  • Apply the principles of risk management to manage risk situations in the public sector
  • Design, formulate public sector policies and regulations

Qualification Outline:

Module 1: Public Service Delivery Improvement Planning:

  • Understanding of Organisation Vision, Goals and Objectives, Value and Ethics, as well as the relevant Public Service
  • Sector Policies
  • Designing and implementing Public Service Delivery Improvement Plan

Module 2: Human Resources Planning

  • Human Resources Planning covering Recruitment and Selection, Performance Management, Training and Development and improving the Organisational Learning Culture
  • Personal Development Planning and Performance Reviews
  • Stress Management Planning

Module 3: Knowledge Management

  • Knowledge Management definitions and principles
  • Understanding Human Capital, Structural Capital and Customer Capital

Module 4: Managing Conflict and Diversity

  • Understanding Delegation, Conflict and Diversity
  • Facilitating innovative and creative solution design
  • Compiling Implementation Strategies, Plans and Feedback Reports

Exit Level Outcomes:

On achieving this Qualification, the learner will:

  1. Manage service delivery improvement and employ client service delivery techniques.
  2. Manage and lead human resources in the workplace.
  3. Apply the principles of knowledge management to public sector administration.
  4. Plan strategically to improve business performance.
  5. Apply South African legislation and policy affecting public administration.
  6. Apply the principles of risk management to manage risk situations in the public sector.
  7. Design, formulate public sector policies and regulations.

Entry Requirements:

Applicants must have a Senior Certificate or Communication at NQF Level 4 and Mathematical Literacy NQF Level 4 (Grade 12) and at least one year’s managerial experience. Additionally, learners will be competent in the Unit Standard titled “Demonstrate an understanding of and apply principles of knowledge management to public sector administration and management”, Level 4, 8 credits